My previous session guests:
Sadly Mark died on the 19th August 2015. We will update this page later. But for now enjoy his biography below and you can listen to his old shows on MixCloud.
Mark, like the late, great Douglas Adams, likes Deadlines. He likes the sound they make as they whoosh past him. Other sounds he likes are: road drills, the crackle of electrical arcs, warning claxons and the sound of a bell from a 1953 Triang Three wheeled bicycle. He also likes music, beer and not going to Stoke Newington.
No, seriously ......
Mark has a long history of involvement with radio broadcasting, starting off as a DJ on Hospital Radio in Runcorn where he presented a weekly 2 hour heavy metal show in the early 80s - completely oblivious to the fact that the hospital mostly catered for 70+ year old people who needed to recuperate after major surgery. Because the station was located near the hospitals morgue, Mark was in the unenviable position of actually seeing the listening figures drop before his very eyes. After 6 months he was sacked for playing Queen's 'another one bites the dust' every time they pushed a ‘stiff’ down the corridor.
In the late 80’s, Mark spent a few months techying (making tea and toast mostly) for a Dutch community radio station which, due to someone forgetting to switch the transmitters on, spent the first month not broadcasting anything to anyone. When the station sponsors got to find out, everyone got sacked.
Undaunted by his dubious track record, Mark returned to community radio in Widnes, Cheshire in 1995, presenting a weekly programme on UFOs and the paranormal, and also did regular paranormal slots on Radio Merseyside. Mark co-authored the book 'A Beginner's Guide to Paranormal Investigation' which can be ordered here.
A keen champion of 'off the wall' original music, Mark is on a personal quest to seek out, discover and give airplay to artists and bands who would normally not get a 'look in' on commercial radio. He firmly believes that real talent is not high on the list of the giant music conglomerate's agendas.
Rumoured to be the secret love child of Arthur Negus, Mark spends a considerable amount of his spare time ram raiding charity shops and sticking crayons up friend's noses, the latter for which he has received an arts council grant.
Tracklistings and listen again to the previous shows:
Broadcast One 'Bonus Disc' Special 11/2010
Broadcast One 'Bonus Disc' Special - 2010-11 by
Dandelion Radio Archive on
- 08/2008
Mark Rosney - 2008-08 by
Dandelion Radio Archive on
- 10/2007
Mark Rosney - 2007-10 by
Dandelion Radio Archive on
- 04/2007
Mark Rosney - 2007-04 by
Dandelion Radio Archive on
Festive 50 2006
The Official 2006 Festive Fifty - 2007-01 by
Dandelion Radio Archive on
Mark Rosney - 2006-12 by
Dandelion Radio Archive on
- 10/2006
Mark Rosney - 2006-10 by
Dandelion Radio Archive on
- 09/2006
Mark Rosney - 2006-09 by
Dandelion Radio Archive on
Mark Rosney - 2006-06/07 by
Dandelion Radio Archive on